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SpyFu – сервис покажет каждое ключевое слово, которое ваши конкуренты купили в AdWords за последние 12 лет.

  • Работает с 23 февраля 2006 г.
  • Платформа: Web.
  • Пробный период - 30 дней.
  • Цена от 2180 руб.

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    Относительно недавно решил основательно заняться своим старым сайтом, который до этого активно ввел. Думаю, многие из вас понимают, что для меня необходимо было хоть как-то вернуть бывалую посещаемость моей странички. И для этого я воспользовался сервисом SpyFu, который поможет вам подобрать главные слова для того, чтобы люди, при соответствующем ключевом слове, заходили именно на ваш проект. Если говорить более подробно, то: сервис запускает анализ заданного вами сайта и выдает всю подробную информацию про сайт. Программа, после завершения анализа, формулирует ключевые слова, с помощью которых заданный вами сайт показывается на лидирующих местах в списке поиска браузера. Ну а далее вы можете данный список конвертировать в PDF файл для вашего же удобства. В общем и целом работой сервиса я доволен, мне удалось вернуть актуальность и посещаемость моего сайта.


Do you want to find good SEO keywords in your industry? Ones that are searched for a lot, but that have gone relatively unnoticed by your competitors? You've come to the right place. In this video you’ll learn how to use SpyFu to find top performing SEO keywords in your niche. We’ll cover how to sort and filter your top competitor’s keywords and find that low hanging fruit you can take advantage of. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpyFuTeam?sub_confirmation=1 At SpyFu we try and make finding strong keywords as quick and easy as possible. The entire process takes only minutes and will help you build a list of relevant, actionable keywords for your site. Leverage these up and coming keywords and climb the ranks faster. Step 1: Enter in your competitor into the main search box in SpyFu - https://www.spyfu.com/ Step 2: Go to the SEO Keyword Research section - https://www.spyfu.com/seo/keywords Step 3: Sort the results by the "Searches/Mo" column. Look for keywords that have a reasonably high searches per month, and also relatively low ranking difficulty. These are popular keywords that your competitors haven't discovered yet. Step 4: Identify which of these keywords fit your site, and that you are comfortable creating content around. That's it! Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpyFu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/spyfu

Дата загрузки:2019-08-23T19:16:37Z

Content creation is the cornerstone of SEO, but doing it for every single keyword can be an expensive and time consuming endeavor. In this video you’ll learn how to use SpyFu to find & emulate top ranking content for keywords in your industry. We'll go over the things that you should look for and be inspired by to help build your content, so you don't have to deal with the painful trial and error period on your own. Here's the previous video covering the basics of finding SEO Keywords: https://youtu.be/zEEBRxCtOeU Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpyFuTeam?sub_confirmation=1 Climb the ranks and keep people engaged, by using the techniques that have already proven successful. SpyFu helps you find those techniques quickly and effectively. Step 1: Enter in your competitor into the main search box in SpyFu - https://www.spyfu.com/ Step 2: Go to the SEO Keyword Research section - https://www.spyfu.com/seo/keywords Step 3: Sort the results by the "Rank (Change)" column. Look for keywords that have high ranks, and also relatively low ranking difficulty. These are the pieces of content that you can emulate for your site. Note: You can even use the filtering in the keyword list if you already had some keywords in mind, and just wanted to find the content surrounding them. Step 4: Take a look at both the copy and the structure of the page itself. Figure out what the pros are doing to keep the user engaged on the site. Step 5: Possibly check out additional competitors, compare and contrast techniques and figure out what works best for your site! Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpyFu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/spyfu

Дата загрузки:2019-08-23T19:17:01Z

Here's an 2022 update of this video - https://youtu.be/STX1agLrdD0 We changed and added a lot to make it an even better research tool. Do you want to find good PPC keywords in your industry BEFORE you spend your money in AdWords? Unique keywords that are searched for a lot, but that have gone relatively unnoticed by your competitors? You've come to the right place. In this video you’ll learn how to use SpyFu to find top performing paid keywords in your niche. We’ll cover how to sort and filter your top competitor’s keywords and find that low hanging fruit you can take advantage of. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpyFuTeam?sub_confirmation=1 At SpyFu we try and make finding strong PPC keywords as quick and easy as possible. The entire process takes only minutes and will help you build a list of relevant, actionable keywords for your site. Leverage these up and coming keywords and setup the groundwork for your AdWords campaign. Step 1: Enter in your competitor into the main search box in SpyFu - https://www.spyfu.com/ Step 2: Go to the PPC Keyword Research section - https://www.spyfu.com/ppc/keywords Step 3: Sort the results by the "Searches/Mo" column. Filter this list to your specific needs. Look for keywords that have a reasonably high searches per month, that your competitor(s) have been advertising on. Step 4: Identify which of these keywords fit your site, and that you are comfortable writing ads about. That's it! Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpyFu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/spyfu

Дата загрузки:2019-10-29T19:56:04Z

Writing ad copy for an AdWords campaign can be tedious and expensive. How do you know what ads people click on? What are their titles, and how do you adjust them for seasonal trends? In this video you’ll learn how to use SpyFu to find & emulate top ranking PPC ad copy for keywords in your industry. We'll go over the things that you should look for and be inspired by to help build your ads, so you don't have to deal with the painful trial and error period on your own. Previous video about finding strong PPC keywords in your niche: https://youtu.be/Fj-suWr25Cw Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpyFuTeam?sub_confirmation=1 Step 1: Enter in your competitor into the main search box in SpyFu - https://www.spyfu.com/ Step 2: Go to the Ad History section of PPC Research - https://www.spyfu.com/ppc/ad-history Step 3: Scroll through the different ads represented by the colored boxes. Observe what titles and base ad copy they're using and how they relate (or don't relate) to the corresponding keyword. Note: You can even use the filtering in the keyword list if you already had some keywords in mind, and just wanted to find the best ads surrounding them. Step 4: Take a look at how they change their copy over time. Try and identify if the changes in copy were because of seasonal trends - if not, it's quite possible that they changed the ad because it wasn't returning the clicks they wanted. Step 5: Possibly check out additional competitors, compare and contrast techniques and figure out what works best for your site! Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpyFu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/spyfu

Дата загрузки:2019-10-29T19:58:05Z

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